Friday, December 6, 2013

Velavadar - Black Buck Sanctury - Little place with huge surprises

Located 170 kms from Vadodara, Velavadar is one of the preserved Grass land. It is a Black Buck national Park.

Regarding its richness I will let my photographs talk:

The Golden Grassland: _MG_7605 DS Small

Its one of very few places in India where Black Buck are found:

_MG_7595 DS Small

1. A Black Buck male alert and watching out of danger

A Black Buck male in its Habitat

2. A Black Buck Male roaming around

_MG_8616 DS Small

3. A Black Buck male lost in grazing

_MG_8642 DS Small

4. A Black Buck Female Calf jumping around

_MG_8633 DS Small
5. Young Black Buck males about to lock horns

_MG_8586 DS Small

6. Few young Black bucks crossing the path

_MG_8894 DS Small

Another resident of Velavadar is Blue Bull also known as Neil Gai in Hindi

6. A young female Blue bull munching

_MG_8568 DS Small

7. Young Male Blue Bulls on watch
_MG_8172 DS Small

8. Curious Blue Bull male
  _MG_7954 DS Small

Wide range of birds are found in Velavadar

1. Crested Lark
Crested Lark
2. Rufus Tailed Lark
_MG_8744 DS Small
3. Lark
_MG_8693 DS Small
4. Terek Sandpiper
_MG_8506 DS Small
5. Reef Heron
_MG_8513 DS Small
6. Eurasian Curlew
_MG_9098 DS Small
7. Gull Billed Tern
_MG_8841 DS Small
8. Darter/Snake Bird
_MG_8797 DS Small
9. Grey Francoline
_MG_7722 DS Small
10. Eurasian Roller
_MG_7823 DS Small
11. Stone Chat
_MG_7804 DS Small
12. Ringed Plower
Ringed Plover
13. Wood Sandpiper
_MG_8269 DS Small
14. White Stork
White Stork

15. Great Spotted Eagle

_MG_7480 DS Small

_MG_7494 DS Small

16. Montagu's Harrier: These birds stop by in Velavadar for Roosting. Number of visitors can range from 500 to 3000 per season.
_MG_7533 DS Small
Female in flight
_MG_8070 DS Small
Male in flight
_MG_8149 DS Small

17. Short Toed Snake Eagle:
Juvenile on perch Short Toed Snake Eagle
In flight
_MG_8724 DS Small

18. Common Kestrel:
_MG_8850 DS Small

19. A Red Necked Falcon

_MG_8545 DS Small

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Indian Long Billed Vultures

To my surprise spotted my first vulture there and since then I have visiting this place (not disclosing this place for the safety of the birds) once in a quarter to keep track of these vultures.

Its a family of 3 nesting on the rocks of one of the cliff. 2 parents and one kid. Its been 2 years since my first spotting and the kid is adult now.

These are Indian Long Billed Vultures. They are 2nd in the list of Criticaly Endangered species found in Gujarat.

_MG_6828 DS Small

_MG_6685 DS Small

_MG_6754 DS Small

_MG_6577_1 Panorama DS Small

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Navratri - Coloful and funfilled festival

Navratri is an Indian festival which is celebrated across India for 9 days that precede Dussehra. However the way its celebrated in Gujarat/Gujaratis is completely different than rest of India. Gujaratis celebrate this festival by dancing in form of Garba. Garba is a Gujarati traditional dance performed by Men and Woman in an open space like play grounds. This dance requires the dancers to be in traditional outfit. Following is the time-lapse that I have created that gives an idea, and following it are few images that I have captured to show how colorful and visually pleasing Garba is.

Most of the times live music is used for Garba, the band typicaly plays the traditional Gujrati Garba songs. They decide/set up the pace.

_MG_9791 DS Small

IMG_5662 DS Smal

IMG_5671 DS Smal

IMG_5670 DS Smal

IMG_5714 DS Smal

IMG_5747 DS Smal

_MG_9803 DS Small

_MG_9860 DS Small

_MG_9938 DS Small

_MG_9997 DS Small

IMG_5906 DS Smal

Friday, September 6, 2013

Zarwani - Landscape heaven (Only during monsoon)

Zarwani another lovely location within 100 odd km range from Vadodara. Its located in "Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary" Following are the few panoramas created on my first visit to this place this monsoon.

Untitled_Panorama11111DS Small
_MG_1453 Panorama DS Small

_MG_2079 Panorama DS Small

Untitled_Panorama2222 DSSmall

Untitled_HDR2 DS small
_MG_1720 Panorama DS Small

_MG_9525 Panorama_hdr DS Small
_MG_1720 Panorama DS Small