Navratri is an Indian festival which is celebrated across India for 9 days that precede Dussehra. However the way its celebrated in Gujarat/Gujaratis is completely different than rest of India. Gujaratis celebrate this festival by dancing in form of Garba. Garba is a Gujarati traditional dance performed by Men and Woman in an open space like play grounds. This dance requires the dancers to be in traditional outfit. Following is the time-lapse that I have created that gives an idea, and following it are few images that I have captured to show how colorful and visually pleasing Garba is.
Most of the times live music is used for Garba, the band typicaly plays the traditional Gujrati Garba songs. They decide/set up the pace.
Most of the times live music is used for Garba, the band typicaly plays the traditional Gujrati Garba songs. They decide/set up the pace.