Located 170 kms from Vadodara, Velavadar is one of the preserved Grass land. It is a Black Buck national Park.
Regarding its richness I will let my photographs talk:
The Golden Grassland:
Its one of very few places in India where Black Buck are found:
1. A Black Buck male alert and watching out of danger
Regarding its richness I will let my photographs talk:
The Golden Grassland:
Its one of very few places in India where Black Buck are found:
1. A Black Buck male alert and watching out of danger
2. A Black Buck Male roaming around
3. A Black Buck male lost in grazing
4. A Black Buck Female Calf jumping around
5. Young Black Buck males about to lock horns
6. Few young Black bucks crossing the path
Another resident of Velavadar is Blue Bull also known as Neil Gai in Hindi
6. A young female Blue bull munching
7. Young Male Blue Bulls on watch
8. Curious Blue Bull male
Wide range of birds are found in Velavadar
1. Crested Lark
2. Rufus Tailed Lark
3. Lark
4. Terek Sandpiper
5. Reef Heron
6. Eurasian Curlew
7. Gull Billed Tern
8. Darter/Snake Bird
9. Grey Francoline
10. Eurasian Roller
11. Stone Chat
12. Ringed Plower
13. Wood Sandpiper
14. White Stork
15. Great Spotted Eagle
16. Montagu's Harrier: These birds stop by in Velavadar for Roosting. Number of visitors can range from 500 to 3000 per season.
Female in flight
Male in flight
17. Short Toed Snake Eagle:
Juvenile on perch
In flight
18. Common Kestrel:
19. A Red Necked Falcon
Common Kestrel shot was very nice.
Thank you Sumeet!
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