Friday, September 5, 2014

Winged Scavengers' heaven - Jhorabheeri/Jhorbeer

There are only handful of places left on earth that are suitable for Vultures to survive. One of them is Jhorabheeri/Jhorbeer located 14 odd Kms from Bikaner, near Camel Research Institute also known as Camel Farm locally.

Reached Bikaner by train. Checked in at Bikaner Hotel. Struck a deal with a Auto-Rikshaw guy for 600 INR, 200 INR for one way journey and 200 for waiting at the field.

Caution: This place is full of feral dogs and these dogs arn't afraid of humans. In case you are planning to visit this place then carry a strong stick to protect yourself from these dogs. Do not visit this place after sunset or before Sunrise.

This image sums up the density of scavengers at this location

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The smallest Bird Of Prey we have spotted here. A Lagar falcon feasting on fresh kill

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Lagar Falcon in flight

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Cinereous vulture

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Cinereous vulture in flight The largest and the rarest Bird of Prey we spotted here. Its a Cinereous vulture, a migratory bird, a winter visitor in India from Pakistan. they stick to Rajasthan and go back to Pakistan.

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A Eurasian Griffon

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Eurasian Griffon gliding
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The Egyptian vultures pair (Adult and Juvenile)

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A adult Egyptian vulture gliding

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A juvenile Egyptian vulture landing

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The mighty Steppe

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A Steppe eagle taking off

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Steppe eagles hanging around

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A close up of the mighty steppe in flight

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An aged Steppe, this was the largest Steppe that we spotted at this location

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Apart from these scavengers we have also spotted couple of small birds

A silver bill Munia

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A Variable wheatear

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And desert Jird

_MG_6253 ds small ps


Sumeet said...

Lovely shots, loved each of them. You seemed to have a fascination towards birds of prey. Good work.

Unknown said...

Thank you Sumeet, yeah simply powerful and they right there sitting on top of food chain :D