Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Trip to LRK - Little Rann of Kutch

LRK was one of the last trips while I was in Vadodara. This trip was also long pending. It was a road trip with 3 other friends.

We left Vadodara at around 3 AM and reached LRK by around 7:30AM after getting the permit and tickets, we started off with morning safari.

Following are the spotting from the morning safari:

Kentish Plover
IMG_7218 dss

Common Kestrel Male

IMG_7231 dss

MacQueen Bustered

IMG_7283 dss

Shrike (need to confirm ID)

IMG_7369 dss

Skys' Lark

IMG_7411 dss

Wild Ass

IMG_7452 dss

Desert Wheatear

IMG_7495 dss

Northern Shoveler Male

IMG_7510 dss

Terek Sandpiper

IMG_7523 dss

River Tern

IMG_7637 dss

Pallas's Gull

IMG_7579 dss

Skyes's Nightjar

IMG_7672 dss

Chestnut bellied Sandgrouse

IMG_7676 dss

Short eared Owl

IMG_7780 dss

IMG_7756 dss

Montagu Harrier Female

IMG_7823 dss

Montangu Harrier male

IMG_7874 dss

Montangu Harrier Female

IMG_7886 dss

Marsh Harrier

IMG_7891 dss

Overall it wasn't a very good trip considering number of species that we got to spot. We expected to spot wide range of eagles, falcons(spotted Marlin but couldn't get to shoot) and owls. We did spot some flamingos (both lesser and greater) but they were very far off the shore.

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